If you are reading blogs, there are good chances that you already know about RSS. Anyway, DailyBlogTips organized a RSS awareness day to help the expanding of this technology’s usage. I will not explain what RSS is here, so if you don’t know anything about it, just go there.

So what can designers do with RSS?

  • Follow design blog
    Using a RSS reader, you’ll be able to subscribe to any interesting design blog that you come across. Then you can forget about it and get the content coming to you every time the blog has been updated.
  • Stay informed of design news in your industry
    Using Google alert‘s RSS on keywords of interest, subscribing to Delicious tags or Digg’s design category, these are simple ways to stay aware of what’s going on in your industry.
  • Find design jobs
    Most job boards have rss feeds nowadays, so you don’t need to get back to the site everytime you want to check if there is something for you. Just go to the category you want (for example: freelance graphic design) and subscribe, you’ll be updated without even having to think about it.
    Good design job boards: Smashing jobs, Authentic jobs, Freshwebjobs,…
  • Get podcasts and videocasts tutorials
    If you are a Youtube or any video site user, you can subscribe to other people’s channels. Many Youtube channels are dedicated to teach you how to use Photoshop or other design stuff.
  • Display news on your website or blog
    If you are a WordPress blogger, you’ll notice that you can use RSS widgets. Just enter a feed’s adress in one of those and you’ll be able to display feeds on your site.

About the Author

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Mirko Humbert

Mirko Humbert is the editor-in-chief and main author of Designer Daily and Typography Daily. He is also a graphic designer and the founder of WP Expert.