Icons are the road signs of the Internet, they let you know at a glance what action to take. When building your own website or web application, you may need some icons, if you don’t have the time to create your own, why don’t you take a look at the ones in this list?
Before you use any of these sets, make sure that you read the license. Some are not free for commercial use.
1. User icons
User icons by Icons8 offer a diverse collection of sleek and customizable icons, ideal for representing users across various digital platforms. With clean designs and versatile options, these icons enhance user interfaces with clarity and style.

2. Menu icons
These menu icons are intuitive symbols designed to facilitate easy navigation and understanding of menu options, enhancing user experience. Each icon conveys a specific function or feature succinctly, ensuring clarity and efficiency in your design projects.

3. Close icons
Close icons set offering intuitive graphical representations used to signify the action of closing or dismissing elements within digital interfaces. Designed with simplicity and clarity in mind, these icons offer a recognizable means to terminate user interactions.

4. Arrow icons
Icons8 arrow icons provide a versatile collection of directional symbols, perfect for indicating navigation in digital interfaces. With sleek design and various styles, they offer intuitive visual cues for users across different platforms and applications.

5. Email icons
This email icons pack offers a diverse range of designs, from minimalist envelopes to detailed letter symbols, providing versatile options for email-related visuals. With vibrant colors, these icons effectively convey email communication in digital interfaces.

6. bwpx icons
Beautiful icons with a clean design by Paul Armstrong.

7. Tango icons
Gorgeous set of icons to use for your web application or website.

8. Mini Pixel
Full set of icons for all kind of uses: filetypes, design, CMS, eCommerce (see image under),…

9. Icojoy’s free web development icons
Icons to use in your web projects with symbols for most commons website actions.

10. Tick icons
A collection of stylish, minimalist tick symbols by Icons8.

11. Function icons
Web icons set for all kind of uses with a glossy look, great work.

12. BrandSpankingNew icons
Tiny but useful set of icons by Brand Spanking New, a special gift for Christmas 2006.

13. Famfamfam mini icons
The great and famous famfamfam mini icons.

14. Flavours Icon set
Wonderful work by Smashing Magazine as usual, they even managed to put an iMac with a Blue Screen of Death.

15. WooThemes icons
Cute icons provided by the fine WooThemes people, you can get original illustrator files if you are a paid member.

16. Glossy eCommerce icons
Prettify your web commerce with these icons.

17. Dead Simple
Simple 16×16 px social media icons, ideal if you don’t want the social media icons to take too much space.

18. Country flags
Mentionning countries on your website? These country flag icons could be handy…

19. Splashy icons
464 icons and growing, a huge set for all web design situations.

20. Morcha browser icons
Webmasters don’t do this much anymore, but you could use these browser icons if you want to emphasis on your site’s cross-browser compatibility.

21. Social media mini icons
Some more lovely, well-designed social media icons.