Design is an extraordinarily competitive yet rewarding industry, and as such, any aspiring design student must work hard to break even. With design, it is a whole new world altogether. Students will embark on a somewhat artistic journey, gradually exploring from being a student to assuming his/her place as a professional. Initially, things can get quite challenging. These are however the opportunities that help them develop their expertise as a designer. If you are a design student just starting out in the industry and striving to make your mark, below are seven great tips to guide you through our career path:

1. Get Organized

As many established designers will attest to, one of the most important things a designer needs to do is be well-organized. It is important that you detail everything that you aspire to accomplish including deadlines in chronological order. One way you can do this is by investing in a calendar. You can use it as a planner to help you keep track of all your objectives and project process.  Why is this important? Once you list them in chronological order, it is hard to miss or to fall behind on essential assignments; and if you are overwhelmed with tasks and can’t quite work on all of them in time to beat your deadline, you can always seek for professional assistance from online essay writers especially one that can handle design assignments.

All you need to do is request an online professional writer. However before doing so, do some research about the writing service, and once you have several options, ask yourself various questions like who can write my essay cheap but still produce quality work? Or who is the best essay writer online? This way, you can narrow down your options and pick out the best online helper for you. 

Finally, learn to strictly stick to all your deadlines as well as ensuring that you never miss any of your assignments since this reflects well on your ability to meet and even exceed client expectations in your career.

2. Prioritize

As mentioned earlier, design is a highly competitive and demanding trade, and as such, it is essential for any design student aspiring to become successful in their field to set their priorities straight. Learning how to prioritize starts with something as simple as knowing when to study and when to socialize. Essentially, you need to spend more time working to sharpen your skill set and complete projects compared to the time you do for other leisurely activities such as socializing.

Prioritizing works for both subject management and projects. As such, it is also vital that you determine those subjects that need more attention to allow you to focus your energy on them. By doing so, you are not only able to manage your time effectively, but you also free up extra time to improve your overall performance.

3. Give Yourself Time

Just like preparing for an exam, design assignments and projects cannot be completed overnight. As a student, it is important to realize that assignments as well as projects will be handed out ahead of time and will usually require a specific time frame to submit or complete, although this depends on the subject/assignment difficulty.

When it comes to time, ensure that you set yourself to always ‘overestimate’ the time needed to complete each project. Be sure never to eyeball how much time you assume you will require.  If you manage to complete a project before the deadline, you can benefit from the extra time to either review it or engage in other activities. 

Once you establish yourself as a professional designer, you will discover that ‘the overestimation’ technique will save you quite some time allowing you to be effectively detail-oriented as well as more effective in your duties.

4. Build Yourself a Network

Any aspiring designer looking to make a name in the industry must invest in building themselves a network. Why? Networking allows you to pool both resources and expertise to your benefit. However, if you are requested to write my essay cheap in design, there are plenty of professional writing services eager to help you online.

Design is a diverse field with various specialties. Once you are in business, you will discover that you may need professional assistance from experts in other areas. As such, work to build a close network of individuals to form a potential list of partners who can offer you professional assistance when you start your career.

Use a friendly approach to win over these individuals and ensure that you keep in touch with individuals who may be specialists in other areas or working with other firms/agencies. Be keen to establish genuine connections for both your professional future as well as personal growth.

5. Invest in Your Portfolio

As a designer, it is vital that you take the time to build a portfolio. Start by taking time to identify both your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Get organized and also take time to understand why in particular you have picked various components to include in your portfolio. Why? This will ensure that you have an easy time figuring out why you have selected specific works to include in your portfolio for showcasing.

6. Learn to take criticism

Being a designer entails numerous things, and one vital component is to know how to take criticism. In this line of work, you can expect adverse reactions from various individuals. However, the key is to learn not to take it to heart. After all, aren’t setbacks supposed to help you work even harder?

By knowing how to handle criticism, you can get yourself up even after failing to land a job or an internship. You should accept that although a client or agency has not taken you, they may need your expertise in the future.

7. Have a strong sense of Self-Belief

As competitive as the design industry is, it is essential that you identify your worth, stick by your values and take great pride in it. This, in essence, allows people to see it and subsequently respect it.

Before you seek the opinion of other individuals about your work, it is important that you value it yourself first. How you value, yourself will reflect on your designs and creations not to mention that it will play a significant role in how you market your work. If you don’t believe in your art or its value, it will be impossible to sell it to others.

As a first, it is crucial you understand that both your efforts and time are worth the overall price of your work. By believing in both your work as well as your craft, you will have no problem overcoming intimidation, and demeaning criticism will not shake you or affect how you work.


It is the dream of every aspiring designer to make it big. However, to succeed in a field as competitive as design, it is necessary for any design student to understand what is required of them. With these few tips, you can effectively propel yourself to ultimate success in your career. Even so, be sure to keep in mind that design is a quest. Keep calm, remain focused, and most importantly, enjoy yourself!

About the Author

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William Stewart

William Stewart is a professional writer, who’s been working for a list of different magazines and writing a lot of articles on such topics as health, sport, studying and technology. After finishing his studies and getting a Ph.D. at the University of Denver, he created his own writing portfolio, which helped him get a working place at the said university. His hobbies are working out and knitting, William also coaches in fitness in his free time.