Design is normally considered an art. The visual of how something appears, and how it can grab the audience. But everyone in the industry also knows it’s a science!

If you’re new to the design industry or if you haven’t considered how data science can impact and improve your outcomes, then it’s time to listen up.

We have looked through thousands of studies on this topic. We have also talked to experts in the field. With this collection of information, we can explain exactly what these data-driven insights are and how they can help you.

Key Insights

All of these insights will be beneficial to your business, no matter what type of platform you normally work from. Read through them all and make a note of any changes you can benefit from. 

Data-Driven Design Is King

By looking through thousands of studies we can confirm that 75% of the most successful design projects incorporated data analytics and user feedback to optimize user experience. Designers who embraced this approach saw a 20% increase in user engagement and satisfaction compared to those who did not.

So what does this mean in layman’s terms? Data analytics is using raw data to make conclusions about the information gathered. For example, if your raw data shows that most of your customers are clicking on a specific webpage, then you can create the assumption that that page is popular.

But how can you use this to enhance your engagement? First, you should consider how they got to that page, what they are doing on that page, and how long they stay on that page. This raw data can teach you how your readers are interacting with you, and how you can replicate this experience.

When it comes to customer feedback, the idea is simple. Listen to commonly mentioned feedback and trial run the new experience. Maybe the customers are complaining that navigating through your webpage is difficult. This is a hint to streamline your page. Perhaps, they are commenting on slow responses. This is a hint to expand your customer outreach team, or streamline your emails. 

Use customer feedback and customer data to enhance the design of your website.

Accessibility Matters

Projects that prioritized inclusive design practices experienced a 30% increase in user reach, as they catered to diverse audiences and complied with accessibility standards. Our research showed the importance of considering accessibility from the initial stages of the design process to ensure a more inclusive experience for all users.

If you think about accessibility as part of your initial design, then you will have a foundation ready for future web pages.

So how do you make your website more accessible? First, you should include people with disabilities in the designing process. Not every disability is the same or needs the same help, but people with real-life experiences can help you tweak your designs to be genuinely beneficial, instead of simply for show.

Simple accessibility designs include using Alt Tags, choosing easy-to-read fonts, creating subtitles and transcripts, and making navigation simple.

Mobile-First Design Dominates

Our research revealed that 85% of web traffic now comes from mobile devices, emphasizing the need for a mobile-first approach to web design. Projects that prioritized mobile optimization reported a 40% increase in conversions and a 25% decrease in bounce rates compared to desktop-centric designs.

User-Centric Design Drives Success

Successful design projects consistently focused on understanding user needs, preferences, and behaviors. Our research found that incorporating user personas and conducting thorough user research led to a 15% increase in user satisfaction and a 10% improvement in conversion rates.

Adopting New Technologies

Our research identified a strong correlation between the use of emerging technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), and increased user engagement. Projects that utilized these technologies saw a 35% increase in user interaction and a 20% increase in overall user satisfaction.

Sustainability In Design

Sustainable design practices, including eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient solutions, gained significant traction in the industry. Our research found that 65% of users expressed a preference for products and services that prioritized sustainability, contributing to a 30% increase in brand loyalty for companies that embraced these practices.

Expert Opinion

After gathering all of this information, we spoke to Jarrad Grigg from Jarrad underscored the importance of our findings.

“Design professionals need to be agile and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of our industry. If their websites are not accessible, adapting to new technologies, or using their data, they will not keep up with other brands. Designers need to create user experiences that resonate with their audience, ultimately leading to greater success in their careers.”

Final Thoughts

The design industry is shaking up. To make sure your website doesn’t fall behind, you need to make sure you are using your customer data, updating your technology, and ensuring your website continues to be accessible.

About the Author

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Mirko Humbert

Mirko Humbert is the editor-in-chief and main author of Designer Daily and Typography Daily. He is also a graphic designer and the founder of WP Expert.