The truth is that every business is unique when it comes to content creation. We all need to do something different to set ourselves apart. A website designer in Fresno will not have the same kind of website as a chef in Brunswick. And yet, there are certain kinds of information that are naturally expected by the visitors to your site. The question is what those kinds are. As it turns out there are certain pages on your website that are fairly standard for every website belonging to a small business. Here is a list of these pages and the content on them. 

Start With Your Home Page

The home page is likely the page that most of your visitors will see when they first visit your site. It should, therefore, be able to tell people about your company and what your company does. This content should definitely be able to capture your visitors’ attention and make them stay. The page itself needs to have an aesthetically pleasing design and load quickly. 

The page itself should include a brief description of you or your business and what products and services you offer. You can also add some information on how you can help a potential customer. 

Add a Detailed About us Page

The About page tells people about the people behind your company. People like to be assured that they are doing business with real human beings on the other side of a transaction. That’s what the about page is for: to give your background story and make you feel more human. For that reason, the about page is one of the most visited pages on any website. 

On the about page, you should include a summary of the history of the company itself as well as the key people in it, including their biographies and photos. You can also talk about what makes you stand out from other companies that offer the same products and services.

Design Your Product Pages With SEO in Mind

This page is for if you offer products. Here you will include details about the products that you sell. The page typically includes a short summary at the top of the page before the listings as well as different categories when there are a large number of products being sold. Each product should also have a short description and a link to a product page that’s goes into product details.

For many of your customers, the product page will serve as a landing page as well. For that reason, it’s important to make sure that it’s SEO optimized.

Add a Comprehensive Services Page

This page is for if you offer any services. It works pretty much like the products page except here you will outline your services and give them short descriptions.

Finish It Off With an FAQ Page

This page is where you answer the most frequently asked questions. This page is to tell your visitors the most important things they need to know about your company, its products, and services. Your answers should be clear, honest, and persuasive, including a call to action so users know which step to take next after getting their questions answered. Remember not to make the answers too long since the objective is to save time for the reader.

About the Author

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Mirko Humbert

Mirko Humbert is the editor-in-chief and main author of Designer Daily and Typography Daily. He is also a graphic designer and the founder of WP Expert.