Responsive web design (RWD) is the latest trend in website development. It has revolutionized the way websites are created, and it’s no wonder why: with responsive web designs, users can access a single site from multiple devices such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. Because of this, it’s vital to know the dos and don’ts of responsive web design to create an optimized user experience for all your visitors. 

With that being said, this article will discuss some essential tips to make sure your website looks perfect on every device.

Dos Of Responsive Web Design 

Generally, the dos of responsive web design are just as crucial as the don’ts since several steps should be taken into consideration to ensure a successful website with mobile users.  

Here are some things you should do:

1. Establish A Flow Map  

When designing a responsive website, one of the first steps should always be creating a flow map. A flow map can help you visualize how the user will move through your site and identify any potential obstacles or areas for improvement.  

Creating a flow map also gives you an overview of what content needs to go where so that users can get from point A to point B without getting lost. This way, you can ensure that the site will be designed with ease of use so that users can quickly find what they’re looking for without having to search or scroll too much. 

Alternatively, you can engage the services of a reputable web design agency to assist you in creating your web design’s flow map.

2. Have An Intuitive Design 

A website needs an engaging and intuitive design to contribute to a more positive user experience. Here are some tips on how to achieve this: 

  • Make sure the layout is clear: Ensure visitors can easily navigate your web pages using consistent page layouts across all devices. 
  • Pay attention to color and typography: Use contrasting colors that stand out from each other and a font size that’s easy to read and attractive. 
  • Include visuals: Add graphics or images to help engage users with your content more effectively. 

Ultimately, designing an engaging and intuitive website requires thoughtfulness and planning to create something visually appealing and user-friendly.

3. Ensure The Website Loads Quickly 

It’s vital to ensure your website loads quickly, no matter what type of device or browser the user has. Here are some critical tips you can follow: 

  • Optimize images: Make sure you use optimized images on your site. This means compressing them as much as possible without losing quality. 
  • Minify resources: Whenever possible, minify resources such as CSS, JavaScript, HTML, etc., as this can help increase loading speed significantly. 
  • Remove unnecessary plugins: Too many plugins on your website can slow down its speed. On the other hand, outdated ones can cause security risks. That said, ensure to run performance tests to determine which plugins are hampering your site’s performance and which are outdated so you can remove them. 

These tips can help ensure your website runs optimally regarding load times and performance across different devices.

Don’ts Of Responsive Web Design 

RWD has its fair share of preventive measures, as with any other process. It may be overwhelming initially, but knowing the following don’ts may be beneficial in the long run.  

Here are some things that you need to avoid:

1. Don’t Underestimate Negative Space 

Negative space, also known as white space, is the area between design elements on a website. Negative space can make your website’s design feel less cluttered and cramped since it gives users breathing space when navigating it. That said, don’t skimp on negative space to improve user experience and ensure the content stands out. 

For example, if you have a complex navigation menu with multiple items listed side-by-side or stacked vertically, ensure enough room between each item so they don’t appear cramped when viewed on a mobile device.

2. Don’t Conceal Content For Mobile 

When designing for mobile, ensuring no information is hidden from the user is important. Mobile users are often on the go and need quick access to content without searching for it.  

Here are some key points to remember: 

  • Avoid hiding critical website elements such as navigation menus or calls to action behind a hamburger icon. 
  • Be careful when using accordions or other collapsible content – they should only be used if necessary and not just for aesthetic purposes. 
  • Refrain from disabling certain features on your desktop site to reduce clutter on the mobile version; instead, focus on optimizing them for smaller screens. 

Proving straightforward navigation goes a long way in promoting a pleasant user experience since visitors can easily find what they’re looking for.

3. Don’t Overcrowd the Design 

Overcrowding your website’s design with too many elements can negatively affect users, making it difficult for them to explore and find what they’re looking for. That said, focus on clarity and simplicity to create an intuitive navigation structure.  

Whatever element you choose, think carefully about how it will affect the overall look and feel of the site before adding it to the design. In this case, more isn’t always better. You’d want your website to look polished and professional without overwhelming visitors. 


Responsive web design is a great way to ensure that users can access your website regardless of their device. Remember that it’s essential to keep the user experience in mind when creating a responsive design and ensure not to hide content from mobile viewers.  

Additionally, it’s vital to create an engaging and intuitive design while avoiding oversized graphics or clutter. All of this can ensure that your website looks great on all devices and that visitors have an enjoyable experience with it.  

With these dos and don’ts in mind, you can be confident that you can create a successful, responsive website.

About the Author

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Mirko Humbert

Mirko Humbert is the editor-in-chief and main author of Designer Daily and Typography Daily. He is also a graphic designer and the founder of WP Expert.