There are several successful marketing strategies for a growing custom software company. According to recent data, the software development market is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of over 10% through 2028. Simultaneously, the global development shortage is projected to exceed 85 million workers by 2030. This shows that competition in the development sector is tremendously high. As a software development business owner, you need to know the best approaches to market your company. This way, your company can stand out on the market and continue to attract customers. Plus, you can formulate your own marketing approach without hiring an expensive social media expert. Read on to learn about the most successful marketing strategies for a growing custom software company.

Hone In On Your Target Audience

First, marketing to your target audience is one of the most successful ways to promote your custom software company. Ideally, you should create different buyer personas based on who your product can benefit. For example, you might want to direct your solution towards influencers or C-suite execs. In this case, you should write targeted content that directly addresses their needs. Plus, you can design landing pages based on whether your audience is B2B companies or consumers. Of course, you should also adapt your communication to different demographics like age, location, and gender. Additionally, you can appeal to different psychographics and behaviors such as interests, hobbies, and brand loyalty. Definitely, hone in on your target audience to address your market’s needs.

Promote Your Development Approach

Next, promote your development approach so clients understand the benefit you bring to their product. For example, some of the world’s top custom software development companies use the DevSecOps methodology to enable continuous delivery in their pipelines. Typically, this approach emphasizes security at every stage of the software development lifecycle. Plus, development teams can shift their focus to automation to prevent human errors and prevent unstable code from getting into production. Naturally, this works to minimize vulnerabilities and functional code errors. In addition, partnering with services like ThrottleNet Business IT Support can further enhance your offerings by providing robust IT solutions and support. In short, promote your development approach so clients understand the advantage you bring to their solutions.

Create An Active Software Development Site

In addition, you should create an active development site to market your custom software company. Here, you should highlight distinguishing features of your company’s story and how you came to service your particular niche. Additionally, you can include a page that highlights your company’s previous projects. Add screenshots of user interfaces and include detailed product descriptions. Of course, you can also add videos about your different software projects as well. This is a great way to keep site visitors engaged with your content. Client testimonials and case studies can also go a long way to build your brand’s reputation. Undoubtedly, create an active software development site to market your company.

Develop An SEO Strategy

Moreover, you should also develop an SEO strategy to market your custom software business. To optimize your pages, you should tweak your headlines, HTML tags, and images to match relevant keywords your target customers are searching for. For example, you may highlight key phrases like “patient portal software” if you’re working in the healthcare industry. To find these keywords, use a free tool to examine phrase search volume. In addition, you can also craft your website around these terms to grow your organic traffic. For example, you can start a tech blog on your site to attract more visitors and boost your exposure. Absolutely, develop an SEO strategy to market your custom software company.

Offer Free Demos

Furthermore, you can also offer free product demos to promote your custom software. This is a great strategy if you are selling different products. Or, you can use it to help clients visualize possibilities for their own functions and features. To get started, you can add a download link to different applications on your site. Create trial versions with minimal features, and hint how users can benefit from the full version. Alternatively, offer your product for a limited time so they can preview the application. Certainly, offer free product demos to market your custom software company. 

There are several successful marketing strategies for a growing custom software company. First, you should hone in on your target audience to create different buyer profiles. Next, promote your development approach so clients understand your company’s advantage. In addition, create an active development site that tells your brand story. Moreover, develop an SEO strategy with a content blog. Furthermore, offer free product demos so clients can get a feel for past projects. Consider these points to learn about some of the most successful marketing strategies for a growing custom software company.

About the Author

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Mirko Humbert

Mirko Humbert is the editor-in-chief and main author of Designer Daily and Typography Daily. He is also a graphic designer and the founder of WP Expert.