Having a business website is crucial for organizations, no matter their size, especially so for those running a commercial business. Websites are a significant part of a brand’s ecosystem, they are a critical part of any marketing toolkit in attracting customers, creating relationships, and facilitating business transactions.
Because of a website’s pivotal role in growing a business, millions exist in the digital realm. Considering the competition to snag users’ attention online, having a bespoke site is not enough. It’s more important to have one that users enjoy spending time on, increasing their chances of conversion.
Discover how to create a business website and elevate it from the competition with the following design tips.
1. User-friendliness
Your website may be your online property, but remember that you’re making it for your audience. That said, make your website design intuitive and easy to navigate, so users will stay and love to know more about your business.
Thus, besides being eye-catching, your internet pages must have simple navigation settings, a search option, and a contact us page for users to reach out to you.
Use this design principle in all digital products you offer to clients. Create a comprehensive solution to address your customers’ pain points and show them that you understand what they need. Jobber is a great example of this. This easy-to-use application is built with electrical contractors in mind, allowing them to manage core tasks like dispatching, monitoring, invoicing, and keeping in touch with customers.
2. Responsiveness
Consider auditing your pages to know what users go through when accessing your website. For instance, if your clients have to click multiple times to find how to contact customer services, they are going to get frustrated that they can’t find what they’re looking for and may leave to do business with a competitor, or even worse, write a negative review online. Think about what you can do to mitigate things like this from happening.
Additionally, ensure that all your links are working. There’s nothing more frustrating than being led to a broken link when you’re trying to order or learn more about a particular offer. You may also show responsiveness by integrating other solutions into your websites, such as a free e-book, course access, and newsletters. Users always appreciate the offer of a freebie. Whatever your industry or niche, consider what might be appropriate to offer that is of some practical use to your audience. Even the simplest thing such as this free fully-customizable estimate template can show that you are there to help in even the smallest way.
3. Mobile device compatibility
Sure, you want high-resolution and professional-looking photos on your website. But heavy files can result in delayed page load times, contributing to high bounce rates of up to 40% as some research suggests.
A mobile-friendly site is paramount to users accessing the internet and initiating their buying journey through smartphones and other portable devices. Consider compressing images or hiring third-party companies to host your videos. You’ll have better chances of attracting and engaging prospects by ensuring your website works well with mobile devices.
4. Web layout and SEO
Striking a balance between visual attractiveness and usability can be challenging. That’s why ensuring your website’s layout won’t hamper user experience is crucial.
Choosing the right colors, fonts, and images isn’t enough. Consider where to place them strategically if you want to convey the appropriate messages. For instance, know when to use bold texts or a red-colored box or icon if you want to create a sense of urgency. Otherwise, use a different color for your sidebars to denote separation from your content. Take a look at these design trends for 2022 for inspiration.

Search engine optimization (SEO) also plays a crucial role in designing a business website. Thus, make your website SEO-friendly by making it fast, readable, and highly sharable to social media platforms. More importantly, use the right keywords you want to target and create relevant content.
5. Engaging content
Your content must be engaging and compelling for users to explore your site. Ensure your content is packed with valuable information readers want to devour and give them a reason to keep coming back for more.
Learn what your prospects want and align these with your business objectives. Besides providing information, your content must convince your users why they should transact with you by building trust and authority. And don’t limit your content to blogs: upload how-to-videos, customer testimonials, and other content types to engage your readers.
6. Strategic CTAs
A strategically placed call-to-action (CTA) can help enhance user experience and benefit your business by accelerating conversion. It lets users transact with you if they’re ready to purchase. Moreover, a compelling CTA can help improve lead targeting and increase revenues.
In most cases, it can be placed below your content and must go well with your headline and subtitles. It can also be a stand-alone CTA or a pop-up window on your homepage.
7. Navigation settings
A site that is easy to navigate can lead to higher engagements, positively impacting your search rankings. You may not know this, but your organic search ranking decreases if you have high bounce rates.
Streamline your navigation bar by understanding how you want visitors and clients to do with your site and what they want to know. For instance, if you’re a service company, ensure that you have an “About Us” page and completed projects.
Businesses must put a premium on user experience in creating an effective web design by making sure to pick right web designer. Incorporating the abovementioned tips helps companies strike a balance between aesthetics and functionality. Once achieved, business websites can provide a great user experience that facilitates sales opportunities.
- Dublino, J. 29 June 2022.12 Tips for Building an Effective Business Website. www.businesnewsdaily.com. https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/9811-effective-business-website-tips.html. Accessed 10 August 2022
- BOSS Editorial Team. Undated. 7 Characteristics of an Effective Business Website. www.thebossmagazine.com. https://thebossmagazine.com/effective-business-website/. Accessed 10 August 2022
- Palmer, M. Undated. Top 10 Most Important Elements of a Web Design. www.makespaceweb.com. https://www.makespaceweb.com/Blog/0/Any-Category/582/The-Top-10-Most-Important-Elements-of-A-Website-Design. Accessed 10 August 2022