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February 17, 2017
Illustrations that explain Arabic words’ meaning
Illustrations that explain Arabic words’ meaning

Westerners like myself often like Arabic characters for the simple reason that they look graphically pleasing. Mahmoud El Sayed, a graphic designer from Egypt, played with this and created a collection of educational illustrations that take the meaning of Arabic words litterally. By distorting each character, El Sayed makes the word look like its meaning. […]

May 5, 2016
Get your positive thinking from these tiny hand-lettered messages
Get your positive thinking from these tiny hand-lettered messages

Dexa Muamar is a skilled letterer who enjoys producing small motivational message in tiny format. He mixes typographic styles with talent, using his craftmanship at its best. Surprisingly, Muamar doesn’t have a design or art background, he specializes in economic development. Lettering is just a form of therapy for him, as it has calming abilities. […]