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April 24, 2022
Pinterest Alternative: Ultimate Digital Asset Management for Designers
Pinterest Alternative: Ultimate Digital Asset Management for Designers

As a designer, your work doesn’t start when you put down that pen or mouse to sketch something. At the other end of the project spectrum, it doesn’t finish when you send the logo to print or push your website to production. No, it starts when you think about the project and start collecting inspiration, […]

October 21, 2021
How to interpret a design brief
How to interpret a design brief

What is a design brief? A design brief can be regarded as the starting point of any creative process; it provides guidance on what is expected and the overall deliverables. As such, it can be said that starting a project without a design brief is a bit like building a house without a clear plan […]

September 23, 2021
Organization Tips and Tricks for Graphic Designers
Organization Tips and Tricks for Graphic Designers

Artists are often pegged as “messy creatives.” And while graphic designers are certainly artists, there isn’t much room to be messy, per se. In order to be a successful graphic designer, you need to be systematic and organized. Here are a few techniques you can try: 1. Keep a Clean Office The first step is […]

4 Ways To Take Your Photography To The Next Level
4 Ways To Take Your Photography To The Next Level

Photography is a fun hobby, as long as you’re completely invested and interested in it. As you hone your skills, photography can then become a hobby that’ll provide a good money-making opportunity. Even if you’ve been taking photos for a long time now, you might mistakenly think that you no longer have to keep learning […]

August 24, 2021
6 Great Side Hustles For Designers
6 Great Side Hustles For Designers

As a designer, your job may not always totally feel your need for creativity or not be financially rewarding enough. In this case, it may be a good idea to start looking around you for ideas to change this. Having side hustles can be a great solution to the issue you are facing, and it […]

July 20, 2021
The 6 Most Unusual Kinds Of Sports To Relax On Holidays For Designers
The 6 Most Unusual Kinds Of Sports To Relax On Holidays For Designers

When we talk about sports, games that come to our mind are football, hockey, cricket, tennis, and other serious games. Today there are many competitive online games to have fun. People love to play pokies online real money Australia, allowing them to get rewards while sitting at their home. All these games have a certain […]

June 30, 2021
Tips on How to Achieve Ergonomically Sound Work from Home Set-Up
Tips on How to Achieve Ergonomically Sound Work from Home Set-Up

When the global pandemic hit us at the beginning of 2020, remote working or work from home became the new norm. It has affected more than 50% of the workforce worldwide as they transitioned to flexible work arrangements brought about by containing the spread of the virus and compliance with the government’s safety protocols and […]

June 3, 2021
What you need to be a top UX designer
What you need to be a top UX designer

Nowadays, good experience by users makes an app/website to increase sales. It is one of the main reasons companies make such an effort to hire good user experience designers to improve their products’ user experience. The UX design stands for complete satisfaction and user experience. When you are sure about your skills to be a […]

May 22, 2021
5 Tips to Become a Better Web Developer
5 Tips to Become a Better Web Developer

Web development is a lucrative field right now, and if you see your future in it, then you might be wondering where to start or how to develop your skills even further. Here are our five top tips to becoming a better web developer. Get a Degree Getting a degree in web development is the […]

April 5, 2021
Digital Productivity Tools for Non-Design Related Work
Digital Productivity Tools for Non-Design Related Work

Staying productive as a designer is not just about focusing on the tools that are specifically tailored to your skill set, but also being able to get a handle on the solutions which can be more broadly beneficial for everyday activities that are not directly related to design. To that end, here are just a […]

March 31, 2021
The Bad Remote Work Habits You Should Avoid
The Bad Remote Work Habits You Should Avoid

You are the boss of your own daily schedule. You, yourself,  know what hours are the most productive and distribute your tasks and recesses accordingly. There is no need to waste precious time on commuting and surviving severe traffic. Rush hours are no longer the words to scare you since you plan your day to […]

March 30, 2021
Getting started with Crypto as a Designer
Getting started with Crypto as a Designer

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have already heard about Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies. Launched in a troubled time, during the financial crisis of 2008, Bitcoin has grown at an incredible rate to the point of becoming bigger than the Australian dollar in the past few weeks. Why is it becoming so […]

February 19, 2021
What portfolio websites are usually missing from their pages
What portfolio websites are usually missing from their pages

Presenting your work online is important for creatives. To make things easier, creating a good portfolio will help you a lot in the long term. A well-designed portfolio is a great way to start you off. Showing your work correctly will help you gain an audience and attract customers. If your portfolio looks unappealing, your […]

January 20, 2021
5 Reasons Why Every Freelance Web Designer Needs to Have a Contract
5 Reasons Why Every Freelance Web Designer Needs to Have a Contract

This year’s COVID-19 pandemic changed the world of work as we know it. Employers became increasingly aware of the benefits that came from remote working. Furthermore, the advantages of hiring freelancers became evident. In addition to being able to access a larger pool of talent, working with freelancers offers companies greater flexibility and can potentially […]

November 18, 2020
With EaseUS Free Data Recovery Software: You Will Never Lose A File Again
With EaseUS Free Data Recovery Software: You Will Never Lose A File Again

As a designer, your time may very well be your number two asset (after your talent), so preserving it should be a priority for you. One way to save time is by improving your working processes and strategies in order to be more productive. Another is to make sure that you will not waste time […]