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Industrial design

Some of the best industrial design work shared with a commentary.

March 28, 2019
5 Watch design trends we’re seeing in 2019
5 Watch design trends we’re seeing in 2019

If you’re a watch brand in 2019, you’d best be doing something different, otherwise you’re just going to get lost in the sea of companies out there all vying for our attention. At Designer Daily, not much slips past our nets when it comes to noticing the design trends currently happening in the world of […]

December 20, 2018
The NERA is the First 3D Printed Motorbike Prototype
The NERA is the First 3D Printed Motorbike Prototype

With its sharp edges and agressive design, the NERA was built to create a strong impression. It was conceived by the innovation team of NOWLAB under the direction of Marc Mattia Cristofori. On top of the creation of a fully 3D printed electric motorcycle, this project was also an occasion for BigRep, a 3D printer […]

November 8, 2018
The Flexpai: a flexible smartphone available for pre-order
The Flexpai: a flexible smartphone available for pre-order

Usually, when we share this type of designs on Designer Daily, it is a concept that came straight out of some designer’s imagination. In this case, the design exists and is available for pre-order on Royole’s website. The Flexpai is a flexible smartphone that you can even fold, which is an impressive feature technically speaking. […]

November 1, 2018
The Wright Pen, a clever 3 in 1 pen for creative people
The Wright Pen, a clever 3 in 1 pen for creative people

As kids, we all loved these four-colors pens that allowed us to do our homework using only one pen. It wasn’t the most functional device and didn’t have the best design, but it gave us a feeling of empowerement. The Wright Pen is also an all-in-one device, but it allows you to access three widths […]

August 15, 2018
The Apple Watch Dock by Studio Proper
The Apple Watch Dock by Studio Proper

Do you know how to make sure that you will not lose your Apple Watch? Always put it in the same place! You surely already have a hook for your keys, a stand for your phone, and a bucket or something else for other small appliance, it’s time your Apple Watch gets its own. Designed […]

August 5, 2018
Make your meetings rooms better with Airtame
Make your meetings rooms better with Airtame

All businesses today use web conferencing and multimedia presentations in their meetings. These technologies save your business time, money, and other company resources. It’s easy to set up, too. You just need an internet service. However, those same tools bring with them a disadvantage. You actually do need those computers and internet service, and all […]

August 2, 2018
The Dot: a minimalist Braille smartwatch
The Dot: a minimalist Braille smartwatch

How do you read the time if you are visually impaired? There are probably solutions that involve audio with a smartwatch, but they will never be as elegant as this Braille watch. The Dot is a smartwatch that comes with an app you can install on your phone, but it also includes mechanisms to give […]

June 15, 2018
Crutches reinvented
Crutches reinvented

Some products seem to have been designed the same way forever. Take crutches for example, it seems that one guy buit it one way and everybody thought it couldn’t be improved and kept producing new crutches with the same designs over and over. Of course, there were some minor formal changes in terms of design, […]

June 12, 2018
Trove, a wearable cryptocurrency wallet that secures your assets
Trove, a wearable cryptocurrency wallet that secures your assets

If I write the words “cryptocurrency wallet”, you will probably think of something digital like an app, but not of a physical product. This is because most wallets are software-based, but not all, their are also some hardware-wallets out there. Benjamin Hubert, a designer at the Layer Agency, recently launched his own hardware wallet. However, […]

May 2, 2018
Loyto L1: a modern take on the traditional analogue watch
Loyto L1: a modern take on the traditional analogue watch

Many designers choose to design for smartwatches because the digital screens allow them to create modern interfaces and innovate. Innovating with a technology that has been around for hundreds of years is harder, especially when the technology behind is more restrictive. With the Loyto L1, the designers found a way to give a new, modern graphic […]

March 18, 2018
A heater that mines cryptocurrencies while keeping you warm
A heater that mines cryptocurrencies while keeping you warm

Cryptocurrencies have been a very hot topic since 2017, it’s been in the news daily and keeps on staying at the center of attention. Apart from the volatility of the Bitcoin, one big concern for all the specialists has been the sustainability of the blockchain as a technology, can it really scale and become a […]

March 9, 2018
The most entertaining nutcracker you’ll ever see
The most entertaining nutcracker you’ll ever see

Looking at this Nutcracker, most designers would probably tell you that it’s oversized, not convenient or functional. In short, they may find it entertaining, but not well designed. However, a design isn’t only about form and function, it’s also about fun. Thought and designed by Georg Kloeck, a designer based in Eindhoven, this Nutcracker is also […]

January 2, 2018
World Design Rankings, the Olympic Games of Design
World Design Rankings, the Olympic Games of Design

Ever discussed with your designer friends about which countries have the best designers? This kind of argument will always be heated as pretty much any point of view will be biased. Now, thanks to the World Design Rankings, we have a statistic base to discuss upon. The World Design Rankings provide a listing with the ranking […]

October 30, 2017
10 Award Winning Industrial Designs
10 Award Winning Industrial Designs

Every year, A’ Design Award reward excellency in design from all over the world. In the 2017 edition, many great designers submitted their work in almost every possible field of design you could imagine. However, it did catch my eye that the entries in the industrial design category seemed to be really outstanding. In this […]

September 5, 2017
Logitech launches the perfect keyboard for designers
Logitech launches the perfect keyboard for designers

At IFA 2017 in Berlin, Logitech unveiled its latest high-end keyboard that includes a multifunctional scroll wheel on the left hand side. This scroll wheel is the secret weapon that makes this keyboard so good for power users. With keys that make it somewhat similar to a laptop keyboard, Logitech added a little hollow to […]